I also chose a second verse, "Weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning. Psalms 30:5" It has always been a verse that has helped me through our adoption process--for both me and our childrens' birth families. I know that adoption can bring much sadness, but I pray that we can all rejoice as our families come together to celebrate God's gifts! But, the reason I wanted to remember this verse again, is through my grief of losing two highschool classmates this past month. It is still unknown to me how one has died, but the other lost her battle to breast cancer after a 2 year battle. I took for granted that her strong and spunky personality would get her through this. It is difficult to grieve, knowing that they have gone to be with Jesus, but so hard to let go of them at such a young age. Both were only 39 and will be greatly missed by many until we all meet again.
I just don't have enough time to write about everything I would love to tell you! If you know me personally. . . you know I love to talk and definitely love to babble in emails. I hope you all can find something fortunate in your life this holiday season. This time of year has always brought me great joy and I am so excited to celebrate with friends and family! (I just need to ditch my cough!) haha! Here's some more pictures of my blessings!
Celebrating Thanksgiving with Jakob's birthmom (and her family whom are not pictured--haha). I was not feeling well, so Craig pretty much did everything. The food was great along with the company and we are doing it all over again for Christmas! Yeah! We have found that it is much easier to have people to our home--since we know about 99% of homes just aren't Jada proofed! :0)
AWESOME! Jada is getting so big! Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy THanksgiving Jodi! Hope you are feeling better!
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