I guess you have to get creative when you have an odd number of kids. Thanks to my dad (whom can build anything), I can now get out with all three and enjoy the summer weather. We got a lot of double takes tonight, but I figured it was because of my orange socks.....right? I'm used to my family drawing a lot of attention anyway--so it's really no big deal. I suppose there is room for one more since both trailers seat two... I suppose technically, Craig could hook another double trailer to his bike and we would have room for even more! I suppose I would have to okay that with him first! haha! So far, we are having a pretty great summer! :0)
FF: Chili & Cornbread
6 years ago
Jodi, you crack me up! Yes, it's totally your orange socks! :)
Jodi, you crack me up! Yes, it's totally because of your orange socks!
You are so cute! I love your caravan of kiddo! :)
I'm impressed! I have a friend who biked with her three kids with a tandem attachment followed by a trailer. I on the other hand find it challenging enough just to push three kids around in a shopping cart.
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